Parent's Page
December, 2019
December 1st-January 5th: North Texas Food Bank Food Drive
December 12th: All School Christmas Program, Lunt Hall, 6pm
December 13th: Pajama Day!
December 13th: Friday Fun Night
December 14th: Breakfast with Santa, 10:00am-11:00am (come and go)
December 18th: Fire Drill
December 20th: Christmas Parties, 11:00-12:00pm
December 20th: Early Release 12:00pm
December 22nd: Lessons and Carols Concert, 6pm
December 23rd–January 6th: Christmas Break, NO SCHOOL, No Childcare Provided
December 24th: CHC Christmas Eve Services, 5:30pm (Family Service) & 10:30pm
(Candlelight Cathedral Service)
December 25th: CHC Christmas Day Service, 10:00am
January 1st: CHC New Year’s Day Service, 12:00pm
January 7th: HCCA Classes Resume
- Remember, the winter season is upon us, so please dress the children appropriately for Chapel and outdoor play. PLEASE send season appropriate extra clothes!
- Starting Saturday, December 1st, CHC and HCCA will begin a food drive benefitting the North Texas Food Bank. The food drive will last until January 5th. The boxes will be in the entryway of the school building.
- We will have our annual HCCA All School Christmas Program on Thursday, December 12th, at 6:00pm. Mark your calendars for a memorable evening! Children need to be picked up no later than 5:45pm so that our staff can get ready for the program. Please have your child in Lunt Hall by 5:50pm. More details to follow.
- It’s our annual Pajama Day on December 13th!! No slippers please as the children will still play outside.
- Friday Fun Night – December 13th - 6:30pm-9:30pm, Miller Hall Calling all kids! All youth (3 years old/potty trained and older) are invited to spend an evening at the church. FFN begins at 6:30pm and will include dinner, games, crafts and all sorts of fun activities. Our Youth Director and School Chaplain, Dcn. Marcus Bell supervises this monthly event for the children and their friends on the 3rd Friday of the month in Miller Hall. It’s also a great opportunity for parents to have a night out themselves while the kids are having fun with friends. It’s FREE!
- On Saturday December 14th, HCCA will host Breakfast with Santa!! Please plan to bring your child to Lunt Hall (the building next to the Church) between 10am and 11:00am for breakfast foods and drinks. Each child will be able to have their picture taken on Santa’s lap! The cost is $10.00 per child. Please invite friends and family! Please RSVP to the school office to assure we have enough food! The CHC gift shop, Silver Chalice, will also be open from 10am-12pm. Looking for a special Christmas gift…Silver Chalice may have exactly what you are looking for!
- Christmas parties are coming up, December 20th from 11am-12pm! More information from your child’s teacher will be available soon! There is EARLY RELEASE at 12:00pm.
- Lessons and Carols-Dec. 22 Mark your calendars for our Lessons and Carols Service on December 22 at 6:00pm! Doors open at 5:15pm, pre-concert at 5:30pm. The Cathedral Choirs will perform and we will have guest artists from the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. Music by Bach, Handel, Britten, and Willcocks. We will also have a North Texas Food Drive with this event. There will be a beautiful reception following the service. Invite your family and friends for this special service. Childcare will be provided for children ages 0-3 in Miller Hall (the building next to the school building).
- You are especially invited to join us at the Church of the Holy Communion for all of our special holiday events and services over Christmas! Note the dates and times above!
- School will resume on Tuesday, January 7th.